Nude Amateur Models & Sexy Naked Girls

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#Abby Vissers

Abby Vissers Subway Blows

Subway blows, but I still eat it from time to time. It puts on a decent facade of being healthy. Its locations are ubiquitous. And I think they sprinkle their food with crack. Just the same, I find Abby Vissers to be 2,487 times more appealing than “eating fresh”. Abby’s freckles are from Minnesota. She …

#Abby Vissers

Abby Vissers Rogue One

Abby Vissers returns with a shameless Star Wars Rogue One plug. The 8th part of the SW saga debuts this weekend. Disney is paying me an absurd amount of money to advertise its imminent holiday blockbuster. I honestly don’t care much about the franchise. If you want good science fiction, read some Heinlein or Clarke. …

#Abby Vissers

Abby Vissers on White Freckles

Abby Vissers is decorated with possibly thousands of lovely freckles. If someone has a problem with that, please see management. Abby is a kind and trusting person with the looks and personality that can satiate your natural redhead cravings for a minute. A long minute. It always returns. A cover of Jackson Browne’s “These Days” …