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#Moon Torrance

Moon Torrance Final Exams 1

Our Moon is finally setting. I feel that she is at such a high caliber that a two-part finale is appropriate. We woke early on a rainy morning to capture these for you. I learned that day that there are many faces to the Moon. Most of them are quite thrilling. Xtra also to come. …

#Moon Torrance

Moon Torrance Final Exams 2

What if I told you that Moon is a Trumper? What if I told you that she loves Biden? What if I told you that it didn’t matter who any of us support and that they are both on the same team? Two handpicked, corrupt actors chosen to guarantee that the real power stays in …

#Moon Torrance

Moon Torrance In Movements

Moon Torrance is from Southern California. She decided to make a ZishTok video for us. I think she did a pretty good job. Belch. Moon tells me that she reads the Bible every morning. The difference between what’s good and what’s evil is often unclear to me, but if you have a body like Moon’s, …

#Moon Torrance

Moon Torrance Likes Black

This is not the time for Counting Crows or Dave Matthews Band. Whatever our shortcomings are, we cannot allow a lack of courage to be one of them. Not in these times. As far I am concerned, the answer is more RATM, more Metallica, early Metallica, more goddamn Ozzy. It is like Doogie Howser once …