Piper Candless loves her some dro, that is short for hydroponic. I meet a lot of different kinds of characters in the process of making this site, but there are some definite outliers–personalities that are memorable for their sheer eccentricity. Piper is one of them. She is an artist, a beauty, a romantic, and a scandal all rolled up into one complex being. One quality she is not is boring, and that goes a long way in my book. I had to push hard to make a shoot happen with Piper, but I do not regret it for a second. Just meeting a person who is as wild and free as her holds a ton of value. After years of selecting girls for the site, I now realize that aesthetic beauty is only half of the criteria. Personality and attitude are often equally, if not more, important.
Piper Candless Dro Love - 2
Piper Candless Dro Love - 3
Piper Candless Dro Love - 4
Piper Candless Dro Love - 5
Piper Candless Dro Love - 6
Piper Candless Dro Love - 7
Piper Candless Dro Love - 8

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