Another stunning set of photos of Stella Barry from Portland, shot again by Anthony. Sometimes I worry that these Zishy women are ruining my standards in real life. I look around the city and realize how rare a photogenic woman can be. Don’t get me wrong. They exist in every locale, but the percentage is low and possibly on the decline. For those with a discerning eye, it does help if one lives near a university. I now realize why some men spend large portions of their lives striving to become college professors. Only kidding. I am sure that has nothing to do with it. Certain folks are just born to teach. Respect.
Stella Barry Soft Landings - 2
Stella Barry Soft Landings - 3
Stella Barry Soft Landings - 4
Stella Barry Soft Landings - 5
Stella Barry Soft Landings - 6
Stella Barry Soft Landings - 7
Stella Barry Soft Landings - 8

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